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Plans for the interstate 10 bridge over the Mobile River and improved Baywa will move forward.  The Eastern Shore MPO and Mobile MPO votes to add the $2.7 billion project to the Transportation Improvement Plan.  The votes make the project eligible for federal funding.


gulf shores oceanfront condominiums, gulf shores beachfront condos

Beach front is one of the most coveted locales along Gulf Shores. Being within a stone's throw to the beach makes your vacation truly convenient and stress-free. When the beach is right out your front door, there's no schlep factor. It's the definition of relaxation....

Gulf Shores moves forward with major road, public safety projects amid rapid growth . . . 

Alabama's beaches had a record-breaking tourist season in 2021 with $1 billion in sales and nearly $700 milion in lodging.

The increase in tourism combined with a rise in...
